(757) 461-6757

historical, churches, museums & stadium design services

Historical Buildings & Cultural Center Projects

Renovations or improvements to historical buildings usually involves maintaining the historic significance of the structure while improving its performance and safety. Minor modifications can be made to adapt existing buildings to compatible new uses. Systems can be upgraded to meet modern building requirements and codes. Vansant & Gusler, Inc. has participated on multiple projects for historic buildnigs, church clients, museums and stadiums.  These projects have involved both new construction and renovations, and have included a variety of mechanical and electrical design considerations to accommodate local architectural concepts, design conditions, and system preferences.

historical buildings & cultural center projects (click to enlarge photo)

 other project types

serving clients like NAS Oceana, usmc and SEAL Teams

Federal & State

serving clients like VCU, UVA, and college of william & mary

Higher Education

serving clients like carter machinery and stihl company

Manufacturing & Industrial

serving clients like hilton doubletree and federal express


serving clients like CHKD and riverside medical


serving clients like chrysler museum and trinity church

Historic & Cultural Arts